
Wall of Fire by J.G. Holtrop
Wall of Fire by J.G. Holtrop

All Careful Spell lets a sorcerer do is allow a selected monster automatically succeed on any saving throws the charm grants. MetamagicĬareful with Spell metamagic (which someone said in a comment) is not very helpful for a ringed wall of passion. It is until the spell ends or they depart through the Wall (taking yet another 5d8 fire damage, no rescue, for the effort). But will start carrying 5d8 damage (no save) at the end of the turn, every turn. Meanwhile, anyone surrounded by the ring needs no harm immediately. And everyone standing exactly where the wall kinds require 5d8 harm or half on a Dex rescue. You cast the spell for a ring together with the hurt side in. And notice that the rescue is Dexterity: it’s for partly getting from the way of this forming Wall, perhaps not for partially resisting the damage (as a Con save would indicate). The surface of a wall spell is only those spaces that the Wall itself occupies - what surrounded by the Wall is only “a terrible place to be” (especially for Wall of fire 5e ). What’s more, the area does not include the distance surrounded by the walls. See also Faction Agent 5e background & Characters of Sword Coast So the damage is not per se match dividing, but the prison aspect of it being entirely unbreakable by any leadership sounds broken. Or burrow under it and that many things are immune to fire or resistant. While also carrying damage, or a better prison than a level 6 spell while doing similar harm of another kind. It seems odd that a lesser level (level 4) spell is as good of a prison as a level 5. Wall of Force 5e specifically says you cannot pass through the walls (so that’s apparent ), and Wall of Frost 5e gives the particular info about breaking through it. Are they stuck within an unbreakable cage till they potentially die from fire damage? If that’s the case, a monster couldn’t just walk through or take through the Wall correct? What’s it made out of? Suppose I encircle a creature using the walls and they can’t fly or float. You’re able to make the Wall up to 60 foot.” I’m mostly concerned about those two components of it, as it sounds as if you’re conjuring a physical wall that is on fire one side. The spell says “you produce a wall of fire on a good surface. Would you walk through a Wall of Fire 5e Spell? The opposing side of this Wall deals no damage. A creature takes precisely the same harm once it enters the Wall for the first time on a twist or finishes its turn there. On a failed save, a creature chooses 5d8 fire damage, or half as much damage on a successful save. After the Wall appears, each animal within its area must make a Dexterity saving throw. The Wall is opaque and continues for the duration. You create a wall of fire onto a suitable surface within reach.

Wall of Fire by J.G. Holtrop