
The Run of His Life by Jeffrey Toobin
The Run of His Life by Jeffrey Toobin

The Run of His Life by Jeffrey Toobin

In fact, that’s part of the ultimate aggravation: Toobin, an attorney and writer for the New Yorker, has the storytelling skills to lure you through his entire book before you realize, on the last page, that you’ve been had-that, no, you will not eventually stumble upon something new nor find any bit of original analysis or biting wit to reward your patience. That didn’t stop me from reading it, of course, cover to cover. Unless you have been in a coma for the last two years, unless you don’t know your Fungs from your Fuhrmans, this book is absolutely 100% no fun. Even so, what he has created is, at best, a first-rate reference book for future generations-not ours. He is both and, to be sure, he has done a masterful job of culling, condensing and packaging the highlights of the Simpson saga from court transcripts and media reports. Not that Toobin isn’t a fine reporter and a good, clear writer. Worse yet, in a tone of terrible certainty, McGinniss went on to tell a sputtering Larry King on CNN that, in his view, there was absolutely nothing new under the sun left for a writer to say.Īnd now, in a third blow hard on the heels of the McGinniss heartbreak-and with only a handful of “big books” remaining to top out the 30-plus already on our bookshelves-here comes Jeffrey Toobin’s frustrating 480-page admission that, basically, McGinniss was right: In the matter of O.J., there is apparently precious little left to say. Instead, McGinniss suddenly emerged, dripping with disgust (and, to his credit, even looking halfway sick), to declare that he would rather return the money than waste another single hour of his life dwelling in the sordid Simpson sewers. McGinniss, as you may know, is the best-selling author who has been holed up for nearly two years-with a reported publisher’s advance of $1.75 million-supposedly writing what many of us eagerly expected to be the Definitive Simpson Book, filled with new juicy, behind-the-scenes details and brilliant analysis. In my opinion, an even more ominous sign that our seemingly endless supply of Simpson news, gossip and garbage may be about to dry up came last month, when Joe McGinniss cut us off.

The Run of His Life by Jeffrey Toobin The Run of His Life by Jeffrey Toobin

junkies like myself, and not only because of this new judge, who seems hellbent on depriving us of any fresh goodies from the upcoming Simpson civil trial.

The Run of His Life by Jeffrey Toobin